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Monthly archives for May, 2014

May 29 – June 12, Online Eclectic Delafied Estate Auction


This Online Only Auction includes many years of collecting an electic variety of personal property!  This includes: USA Pottery Usinger’s Tankards, 80+ Beer and Liquor Mirrors and Signs, bar ware, Flo Blue, Several China Sets, Lennox, Homer Laughlin, Noritake, RRP Pottery, Gingerbread Clock, Antique Furniture, Leather sofa, Loveseat and Chair w/ ottoman, Costme Jewelry, African Masks and Statues, Jamacian artwork and statues,Vintage MLB Team Flags, brewers Memorabilia, Vintage Oil Lamps w/ hurricane shades and many more amazing items unearthed each day!  Collectable coins and stamp sets mints vintage postcards.

Bid on these items online only by clicking here or view an online photo gallery. Bidding Begins Thursday, May 29, 2014  |  7:00 PM Central.

Benefit Total Raised

Believe in Auctions has raised over $4,000,000 for charities to date. Help us increase that amount through your next benefit auction.

Auctions to Watch for…

We look forward to posting more information, pictures and dates for upcoming auctions. If there are specific items you are looking for please contact us to discuss your needs.